2020, August 13

1- Protect your Identity: Don’t share your vital records such as Iranian birth certificate (shenasnameh) and Iranian passport (Gozarnameh) with others so innocently. 2- Protect your documentation: Don’t share deeds (sanad), Sale Contracts (Bonchagh), and other real estate information with others.…

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2020, August 13

At Legal Persian, accountability and accuracy is our trademark. When you need to find your missing assets in Iran we are leading the market. In many cases, our Iranian-American clients do not have access to proper documentations proving their lineage to Iranian descent, or forensic genelogy, and as…

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2020, August 13

Appeals Court: “Dadgahe Tajdid Nazar” Court proceeding seeking revisions in primary court rulings دادگاه تجدید نظر Dispute Resolution Council: “Shoraye Hal-e- Ekhtelaf” An Iranian Dispute Resolution body that rules on certain cases. شورای حل اختلاف Absentia: “Hokme Ghiabi”: When one or the parties…

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2020, August 13

Power of Attorney (PoA), or in Farsi vekalatnameh, is a legal instrument that enables an Agent, vakil, to officially perform certain duties for the Principal, movakel. Technically speaking a PoA can be either drafted in a Notary Public in the country of Iran and is stamped and legalized by the…

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2020, June 6

A power of attorney (PoA), or in Farsi vekalatnameh, is a legal instrument which forms a Principal-Agent relationship allowing an Agent (or vakil) to perform certain legal, administrative, or even physical duties for a Principal (or movakel).  An Iranian PoA by law requires the Principal’s personal…

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